Meta Minting Energy Levels
Meta Minting Energy is composed of orbits that release limited energy to power the TPA.
ALPHA Energy (α) serves as the fundamental energy for building the TPA system.
Every time a signal is sent to a TPA, it receives 1 unit of ALPHA Energy (α) in the associated Wallet (TPA Wallet or other).
Meta Minting Energy Levels
DELTA Energy (δ)
The new TPA receives DELTA Energy (δ) on its first purchase, equivalent to 10% of the ALPHA Energy (α) in Ethereum (ETH).
δ = 0.1 * α
ALPHA Energy (α)
ALPHA Energy (α) is the fundamental component of Meta Energy.
All energy calculations are based on ALPHA Energy (α).
α = Meta Energy Level * TPA Price
BETA Energy (β)
Representing Double ALPHA Energy (α), approximately $500, your TPA will earn it on its first PING.
You can only earn BETA Energy (β) once.
β = 2 * α
GAMMA Energy (γ)
Representing Triple ALPHA Energy (α), approximately $750, your TPA will earn it on its fifth PING.
You can only earn GAMMA Energy (γ) once.
γ = 3 * α
LAMBDA Energy (λ)
LAMBDA Energy (λ) is 10 times greater than ALPHA Energy (α), and you need to receive 10 consecutive PINGs to earn it.
You can earn LAMBDA Energy (λ) a maximum of 9 times.
λ = 10 * α
OMEGA Energy (ω)
With a value 100 times greater than ALPHA Energy (α), each OMEGA Energy (ω) is worth approximately $25,000.
With a limit of 9 OMEGA Energy (ω), a TPA owner can earn up to $225,000 just with OMEGA Energy (ω).
ω = 100 * α
OMEGA MAX Energy (ω)
Being 1,000 times the value of ALPHA Energy (α), OMEGA MAX Energy (ω) has an approximate value of $250,000.
ωMax = 1000 * α
Quarter Full Energy
Quarter Full Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner from the 1,001st to the 10,000th Ping.
During this period, Alpha Energy is multiplied by 2.9741 for each Ping on the TPA.
4/Full = 2.9741 * α
Half Full Energy
Half Full Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner from the 10,001st to the 100,000th Ping.
During this period, Alpha Energy is multiplied by 5.9482 for each Ping on the TPA.
2/Full = 5.9482 * α
Full Energy
Full Energy is activated and transmitted to the Pinged Account owner from the 100,001st to the 999,999th Ping.
During this period, Alpha Energy is multiplied by 11.8964 for each Ping on the TPA.
Full = 11.8964 * α
Contract Owner
Once a TPA reaches its 1,000,000th Ping, automatically the TPA owner becomes the coveted title of Contract Owner.
This is the highest benefit and honor a TPA owner can achieve, and the reward from this point forward is that any TPA Minted by this account has an immediate return value of the same TPA price.
Contract Owner = TPA Price
Last updated